@interlay/interbtc-api / Exports / ElectrsAPI
Bitcoin Core API
▸ getCoinbaseTxId(userTxId
): Promise
| string
Returns tx id of the coinbase tx of block in which userTxId
was included.
Name | Type | Description |
userTxId |
string |
User tx ID which block’s txId will be returned. |
| string
Tx ID of coinbase transaction or undefined if block was not found.
▸ getEarliestPaymentToRecipientAddressTxId(recipientAddress
, amount?
): Promise
Fetch the earliest/oldest bitcoin transaction ID based on the recipient address and amount. Throw an error if no such transaction is found.
Name | Type | Description |
recipientAddress |
string |
Match the receiving address of a transaction output |
amount? |
BitcoinAmount |
Match the amount (in BTC) of a transaction output that contains said recipientAddress. |
A Bitcoin transaction ID
Performs the lookup using an external service, Esplora
For most cases where this is used today, getLargestPaymentToRecipientAddressTxId is better suited.
▸ getLargestPaymentToRecipientAddressTxId(recipientAddress
): Promise
Fetch the bitcoin transaction ID with the largest payment based on the recipient address. Throw an error if no transactions are found.
Name | Type | Description |
recipientAddress |
string |
Match the receiving address of a transaction output |
A Bitcoin transaction ID
Performs the lookup using an external service, Esplora
▸ getLatestBlock(): Promise
The block hash of the latest Bitcoin block
▸ getLatestBlockHeight(): Promise
The height of the latest Bitcoin block
▸ getMerkleProof(txid
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
txid |
string |
The ID of a Bitcoin transaction |
The merkle inclusion proof for the transaction using bitcoind’s merkleblock format.
▸ getParsedExecutionParameters(txid
): Promise
, Transaction
Get the parsed (as Bytes) merkle proof and raw transaction
Name | Type | Description |
txid |
string |
A Bitcoin transaction ID |
, Transaction
A tuple representing [merkleProof, transaction]
Performs the lookup using an external service, Esplora
▸ getRawTransaction(txid
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
txid |
string |
The ID of a Bitcoin transaction |
The raw transaction data, represented as a hex string
▸ getTransactionBlockHeight(txid
): Promise
| number
Name | Type | Description |
txid |
string |
The ID of a Bitcoin transaction |
| number
The height of the block the transaction was included in. If the block has not been confirmed, returns undefined.
▸ getTransactionStatus(txid
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
txid |
string |
The ID of a Bitcoin transaction |
A TxStatus object, containing the confirmation status and number of confirmations, plus block height if the tx is included in the blockchain
▸ getTx(txid
): Promise
Fetch the Bitcoin transaction that matches the given TxId
Name | Type | Description |
txid |
string |
A Bitcoin transaction ID |
A Bitcoin Transaction object
Performs the lookup using an external service, Esplora
▸ getTxIdByOpReturn(opReturn
, recipientAddress?
, amount?
): Promise
Fetch the first bitcoin transaction ID based on the OP_RETURN field, recipient and amount. Throw an error unless there is exactly one transaction with the given opcode.
Name | Type | Description |
opReturn |
string |
Data string used for matching the OP_CODE of Bitcoin transactions |
recipientAddress? |
string |
Match the receiving address of a transaction that contains said op_return |
amount? |
BitcoinAmount |
Match the amount (in BTC) of a transaction that contains said op_return and recipientAddress. This parameter is only considered if recipientAddress is defined. |
A Bitcoin transaction ID
Performs the lookup using an external service, Esplora. Requires the input string to be a hex
▸ getUtxoAmount(txid
, recipient
): Promise
Fetch the Bitcoin UTXO amount that matches the given TxId and recipient
Name | Type | Description |
txid |
string |
A Bitcoin transaction ID |
recipient |
string |
A Bitcoin scriptpubkey address |
A UTXO amount if found, 0 otherwise
Performs the lookup using an external service, Esplora
▸ waitForOpreturn(data
, timeoutMs
, retryIntervalMs
): Promise
Return a promise that either resolves to the first txid with the given opreturn data
or rejects if the timeout
has elapsed.
Name | Type | Description |
data |
string |
The opReturn of the bitcoin transaction |
timeoutMs |
number |
The duration until the Promise times out (in milliseconds) |
retryIntervalMs |
number |
The time to wait (in milliseconds) between retries |
The Bitcoin txid
Every 5 seconds, performs the lookup using an external service, Esplora
▸ waitForTxInclusion(txid
, timeoutMs
, retryIntervalMs
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
txid |
string |
The ID of a Bitcoin transaction |
timeoutMs |
number |
- |
retryIntervalMs |
number |
- |
A TxStatus object, containing the confirmation status and number of confirmations, plus block height if the tx is included in the blockchain