Type Definition loans::pallet::AccountDeposits

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pub type AccountDeposits<T: Config> = StorageDoubleMap<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageAccountDeposits<T>, Blake2_128Concat, <T as Config>::CurrencyId, Blake2_128Concat, T::AccountId, <T as Config>::Balance, ValueQuery>;
Expand description

Mapping of account addresses to collateral deposit details CollateralType -> Owner -> Collateral Deposits


Differently from Parallel Finance’s implementation of lending, AccountDeposits only represents Lend Tokens locked as collateral rather than the entire Lend Token balance of an account. If an account minted without also locking their balance as collateral, their corresponding entry in this map will be zero.

Storage type is [StorageDoubleMap] with key1 type CurrencyId < T >, key2 type T :: AccountId and value type BalanceOf < T >.